Remedi 20th Anniversary Restorative Case Studies


On 24th November 2014, Adam, Nick and Karl set fire to black dustbins located outside a block of flats owned by the local council. The fire set alight against a door to one of the flats in the block and destroyed it (see attached photo). As a result of this offence Adam and Nick received a 3 month Youth Caution working with Stockport Youth Offending Service (YOS). Due to Karl being 9 years old at the time of the offence he was referred to Stockport YOS on a Voluntary Support Programme. Continue reading Remedi 20th Anniversary Restorative Case Studies

Remedi 20th Anniversary Case Studies

Shop theft


After relapsing on a drug treatment course John had fallen into his old habits of shop lifting in order to feed his drug habit. He states he was ‘angry at the world’ for letting himself down and whilst being apprehended by a security guard for taking some of the stores goods he just “lost it” and threw the security guard into a cupboard causing some damage and distress to the security guard and other shop staff. Continue reading Remedi 20th Anniversary Case Studies

Remedi 20th Anniversary Case Studies

Racially aggravated harassment or cause for alarm

Background to case:

The victim was working in a shop where she was the supervisor. On an evening shift a semi-regular customer attended and asked for a product that they did not have for sale. After repeating himself a few times the offender became agitated and took out his frustrations on the victim through racially aggravated verbal abuse. Continue reading Remedi 20th Anniversary Case Studies

Remedi 20th Anniversary Case Studies

Offence Type: Burglary

Description of the Offence

The burglary took place at around 8am, Judith was in the bath and had loud music on, her husband was out and her son was asleep, upstairs in bed. Judith said that she did not notice that anybody had been in the house until a couple of days later when she needed her purse as they were going out for the day and she could not find it or think where she had left it. Judiths’ first thoughts were to ring the local supermarket and see if anybody had handed her purse in if she had dropped it however nobody had. As a result of this, Judith thought she would look back through CCTV footage to see where she had misplaced it. Continue reading Remedi 20th Anniversary Case Studies